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Conversion Rate Optimisation Articles

Conversion Rate Optimisation is the art of making your website convert leads into customers better. Learn the latest about conversion rate optimisation (CRO) in the following articles.

Please get in touch if you would like us to perform Conversion Rate Optimisation on your website.

Rocket and megaphone reflecting boosted vs Facebook ads

Facebook Ads Vs Boosted Posts: What gets better results?

Are you currently tossing up between creating advertisements for Facebook or boosting your already made content on social media? In this article, we review two popular social media marketing strategies: Facebook Ads and Boosted Posts. We dive deep into the benefits …

Coming Soon Pages - Bad for business

Coming Soon Pages Can Be Harmful for Your Business

Today I came across one of our hosting clients who had asked their web designer (not Web3) to refresh their website. The client asked them to put up a coming soon page saying that a new website was being built. I …

Why You Shouldn't Use A Slider

Why You Should Avoid Sliders on Your Website

Every business owner wants a nice website. When creating pages on your site a very commonly used feature I see is the use of sliders. Sliders, often called image slideshows or carousels, are sections on your website that slide across horizontally …

Increase Sales and Conversions

10 Tips to Increase Your Sales Page Conversion

Any new business online is facing a lot of competition. There are companies around the world that are offering something similar to you, and you need to stand out. The best way to convert readers and keep their business is by …

Speed up wordpress infographic

How to Speed up WordPress – Ultimate Guide

Your websites load time is one of the most important aspects of a website. Finding ways on how to speed up WordPress is a legitimate concern for website owners. Google has indicated that a website’s speed is one of the signals …

How to speed up your website using Google PageSpeed

How to Speed up Your Website with Google PageSpeed

You may have heard about the tool produced by Google to help you understand how to optimise your website for speed. But what does all this information mean and is it really that important? Short answer is yes it is important …

website killing problems

8 Common Website Killing Problems & How to Prevent Them

Your business’ website is probably the most critical touch point between you and your customers. Being your 24/7 salesperson, the need for a well maintained website that is designed to generate new business can never be over-emphasised. Web3 has been supporting …

Increase your website conversion rate

3 Steps to Increase Your Website Conversion Rate

Website conversion rate optimisation is daunting to many people. If you ask any website conversion rate optimisation guru how to improve your website conversion rate, you’ll be met with a barrage of jargon, scientific analogies and numbers that probably make no sense …

Accelerate your website

Claim Your Free Web3 Website Acceleration Plan

$397 Free limited time offer

In todays world, its important more than ever that your website is working for your business to the maximum level.

Let us analyse your website and create a free action plan to accelerate its growth. We will provide clarity on:

  • Current website issues and how to fix them.
  • SEO performance boosting tips to beat your competitors.
  • Actionable steps to accelerate your website in 2024 and beyond

We're only giving away 3 of these in July so claim it before its to late.


What’s in the proposal?

Market Research & Insights

Website auditing, keyword research
 & competitor analysis.

Timeframes & Rollout Plan

What is the most effective and efficient timeframe and pathway forward for us.

Investments Options

The choices of outcomes you can achieve.

Enquire Now
Get your free proposal. Tell us about your online goals.

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