A PPC Agency That Can Increase
Your Leads & Sales Without
Charging You More

Rapidly scale your business with targeted pay-per-click (PPC)
advertising and custom landing pages built to
convert your paid traffic into customers.

Get My Free Proposal

A strong track record of delivering transformative
digital marketing for great companies.

Legally Yours Logo
Fishburners Logo
Cromwell Logo
Culture Kings Logo
Queensland Government Logo
Over The Wire Logo
Katana Asset Management Logo
Fencescape Logo
Guide Dogs Logo
Dominique Rizzo Logo
Montague Logo
Land for Wildlife Logo
TNA Solutions Logo
Mosaic Property Logo
Raptis Logo
Stonehouse Logo
Gold Coast City Logo
Sunshine Coast Council Logo
Western Downs Logo
Brisbane City Logo
Web3 PPC Agency Service Benefits

Revenue generating PPC campaigns that get you more high-quality customers.

Are you looking for the right PPC agency to take your business to the next level? Perhaps you’ve tried PPC advertising in the past only for it to produce lacklustre results. Or, are you not sure how to best scale your existing PPC campaign so you can achieve your business growth goals?

On the other hand, you may have come across other PPC agencies that claim to be the best but leave you with nothing more than broken promises. Worst of all, they keep pressuring you to increase your budget when the returns are not there so that they can take more of your ad budget for themselves! That’s certainly not our way of running a high-performance PPC agency. We guarantee it.

With Web3 Pay-Per-Click Ads YOUR BUSINESS IS HERE

Increase your revenue, not just clicks
Here’s the thing, for your PPC campaign to produce a positive return, your PPC agency needs to be tracking your sales process and not just your website and ad campaign performance. As part of our PPC services, we either set you up with a simple CRM so we can track sales won from your PPC campaigns or integrate with your existing sales tracking system. For e-commerce, we’ll integrate into your current commerce systems so we can track what PPC ads are leading to sales and revenue for your business. That way, we can optimise your PPC campaign to generate more revenue and not just more clicks.

Grow your business with the right customers
Any experienced PPC agency will know that not every customer captured by your PPC campaign is the right customer. Different ads, targeting parameters and landing pages can influence the quality of customers you obtain from your PPC campaigns. It’s one thing to generate new customers from your PPC campaign - it’s another to win the right type of profitable customers for your business that gives you the headroom to scale up. That’s why we optimise our PPC campaigns based on the quality of customers we generate for your business so you can grow faster and outperform your competitors.

Achieve your PPC goals faster
Most PPC agencies only work on your account when something goes wrong. This ‘reactive’ approach to managing your PPC campaign deprives you of your marketing budget while causing you unnecessary stress. Worst of all, some PPC agencies put your whole campaign on autopilot and leave it to Google and Facebook’s robots to manage. Let’s be clear: the priority of the Google and Facebook ad robots is to make as much money as they can out of you, not to grow your business. Our PPC managers work day-in-day-out proactively managing your campaigns, saving you from the headaches while hitting your goals faster.

  • Scott - Bop Industries
    Scott Millar, CEO of BOP Industries

    You guys are fantastic and every session is of incredibly high value. Your overall approach to digital marketing, web design, SEO and PPC advertising is great. You know how and when to ask the right questions to provoke thought and spark positive discussions within our company. You continue to hit the nail on the head and always do a brilliant job.

  • Janelle - Guidedogs
    Janelle Mogridge, Marketing Manager of Guide Dogs Queensland

    After a bad experience with our previous digital marketing agency, I was sceptical towards hiring a replacement. Web3 not only increased Guide Dog’s online revenue, but they also did so with impeccable levels of service & communication throughout the whole process

  • Tim Murray - Fencescape
    Tim Murray, Director of Fencescape

    Web3 Brisbane has helped us achieve huge results online, allowing us to grow and expand our business across Sunshine Coast and the far reaches of Brisbane. Their web design, SEO and paid ads marketing services have given us positive growth across our company for over 10 years in a row. I could not recommend Web3 enough.

  • Kerry - Mosaic Property
    Kerry Croaker, Business Manager of Mosaic Property Group

    I just had a meeting with News Corp for some print advertising and they said, “whoever is doing your website, SEO and PPC is doing an amazing job – whoever they are, keep them, and whatever you are paying them, double it.

  • Jacque Greet
    Jacque Greet, Marketing Manager of Over The Wire

    You have done an amazing job of listening to our feedback and pulling everything together.  Thank you so much for delivering a fabulous website & SEO strategy. Following the launch, we have received much positive feedback. Many thanks and I look forward to working with you on the digital marketing campaign.

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Our PPC Approach

What is Web3’s approach to PPC advertising?

How we achieve high-performing PPC campaigns that smash your goals and generate you more revenue without the stress and ambiguity of unknown PPC spend metrics.

In-house web design & development to increase your PPC returns while saving you time

Your website’s ability to convert your PPC traffic into leads and sales is the Achilles heel of most PPC campaigns. The reason why most businesses who try PPC advertising and write it off as being too expensive is because they are unable to convert their PPC traffic profitably. The way to solve this problem is by not only continually improving your PPC ads but also the place that you are sending your PPC traffic to your website. Most businesses have their website pages set up to inform their audience but not necessarily convert them into leads and sales. Driving PPC traffic to these pages can result in a reduced conversion rate, meaning you pay more to capture a conversion. That’s why having PPC landing pages are vital for the success of your PPC campaign. Creating PPC landing pages on your website that align with the intent of each of your ad groups can skyrocket your conversion rate, meaning you spend less to make more.

Most PPC agencies do not have the web design and development expertise to craft high-converting landing pages, leaving you consistently overpaying for each sale that you generate from your campaign. That’s why our in-house web designers and developers work closely alongside PPC strategists and advertising copywriters to create conversion-focused PPC landing pages for your ad campaign. That way, we can increase your PPC returns and save you from the headaches of having to deal with multiple different agencies at the same time.

Veteran PPC strategists and account managers with over ten years of experience

Experience in knowing what works and what doesn’t for your industry can save you boatloads of time and money with your PPC campaign. Repeatedly explaining how your business works over and over again to a fresh-faced junior is a waste of time. Worst of all, you are essentially paying them to learn on the job, putting your business at risk in doing so. That’s why we bring only the most talented and experienced PPC strategists to the table so you can benefit from their extensive knowledge of what works and what doesn’t.

We take the guesswork out of PPC advertising with a proven campaign process that we’ve guided hundreds of businesses through to achieve breakthrough successes with their PPC campaigns. Our veteran PPC strategists have continually refined this proven PPC process since Web3 started in 2013. That means you benefit from our experience in knowing what works and what doesn’t for your industry, allowing us to achieve your goals faster.

A multidisciplinary approach to PPC advertising that scales with your business

Our multidisciplinary approach to our PPC agency services means that we can expand your campaign beyond the means of just PPC advertising when and where it makes sense. Our in-house web design and development team can create new websites and landing pages if the need arises throughout your campaign. Additionally, our SEO team can work on improving your website’s rankings in organic search results while your PPC campaign is running so you can completely dominate both paid and organic search.

The reason why we take a multidisciplinary approach to PPC advertising is that a modern PPC success typically requires a multichannel approach to digital marketing. That is, ensuring that your business is discoverable across all places on the internet where your target audience is hanging out. It also protects your business’s revenue potential from large competitors entering your market and forcing your PPC acquisition costs to go through the roof. By diversifying your business’s online revenue-generating efforts across multiple different marketing channels, you safeguard your business while also increasing its ability to grow and scale.

Knowing when the right time is to diversify your PPC advertising efforts or go narrow and deep is no simple decision. That’s why our experienced PPC marketers proactively advise our clients on where the best digital marketing opportunities lie for your business (even if it is not PPC) and how we can help you best realise these opportunities. This flexible approach to PPC advertising and digital marketing allows us to continue providing value and new opportunities to your business as it grows and evolves with us.

We don’t lock you into contracts and we don’t take a percentage of your advertising spend

At Web3, our PPC performance is our contract. That’s why we don’t lock you into long term contracts that handcuff you to us. Most PPC agencies do this so no matter how bad their campaigns perform, they can bank on having steady cash flow coming in from their customers. We do not believe in locking our clients into anything as you should reserve the right to be flexible and dynamic with how you invest your marketing budget. As our client’s businesses grow and evolve, so does our service offering. That way, we are always providing the absolute maximum amount of value that we can for our clients which is a level of flexibility you wouldn’t have from being locked into a long term PPC contract.

We also do not take a percentage of advertising spend as payment for our services. We have a simple, flat-rate monthly PPC service fee that is tailored based on your objectives. That way, you can rest assured knowing that investing more in your PPC campaign won’t result in you having to hand more of your profit margin over to your PPC agency. We encourage our clients to invest more advertising budget into their campaigns as long as it makes financial sense to do so. We do this so we can grow our clients’ businesses at a more rapid pace. Unlike other PPC agencies, we have no ulterior motive in encouraging you to invest more in your PPC advertising spend as we are not profiting from doing so.

Since we are a multidisciplinary digital marketing agency, we encourage our clients to invest additional marketing budget across different marketing channels rather than us taking a percentage of that investment out of your advertising budget. We do this as our clients who invest in a multichannel campaign with their digital marketing strategy often achieve the best results compared to those who focus their marketing budget on only a single channel. That way, our fees are directly related to the amount of work and value that we are providing your business. In our opinion, this is a much fairer approach to engaging a PPC agency compared to one that takes a percentage of your ad spend as payment.

Our PPC services

Convert the right-fit customers at the right time on the right platform with our multidisciplinary PPC advertising services.

Google Ads
Get your business to the top of Google Search immediately with Google Ads. Open the floodgates to 'ready-to-buy' customers who are already in the market searching for your products and services.
Learn More about Google Ads

Facebook Ads
Get your business’s products and services found on the world’s largest social media website. Facebook’s advanced targeting allows us to laser-in on your dream customers better than almost any other PPC platform.
Learn More about Facebook Ads

PPC Landing Pages
Decrease your PPC costs to acquire new customers and increase your advertising returns with custom-designed landing pages built to convert your paid traffic into new leads and sales for your business.
Learn More about PPC Landing Pages

YouTube Ads
Reach your audience in places where your competition is not present. Youtube video ads allow you to reach your audience on the second-largest search engine in the world after Google.
Learn More about YouTube Ads

Google Shopping Ads
Get your products to the top of Google Search and in front of motivated customers who are ready to buy. Google Shopping Ads is perfect for e-commerce stores that want to make more sales.
Learn More about Google Shopping Ads

Remarketing Ads
Keep front-of-mind with your audience as they continue on their buying journey. Recapture conversions from paid traffic that has yet to convert into customers for your business.
Learn More about Remarketing Ads

What sets Web3 apart

Why use Web3 PPC advertising?

At Web3, our mission is to have your business become the market leader online. Having a PPC campaign that outperforms your competition while growing your business is a core component of achieving this mission. That way, you can remain front of mind with your audience no matter where they are spending their time online. Since 2013, our team’s obsession with achieving this mission has propelled hundreds of our clients’ businesses to dominating their respective sectors with PPC advertising. Here’s how we can achieve these results for your business because...

Your PPC agency should understand your business and your industry

Knowing what works and what doesn’t work with PPC advertising in your industry can make all the difference when it comes to succeeding with PPC marketing. On the other hand, using the same PPC tactics over and over again with no innovation means it is only a matter of time before your competition gets a leg up over you. That’s why we do not ‘niche’ our PPC agency to servicing only one industry. Being well-gardened in one sector can kill creativity and innovation with your PPC campaign. As we are actively running PPC campaigns in multiple different sectors at the same time, we can see what is working and what is not across many industries. We can use this insight to give your business a leg up over your PPC competitors who are not innovating in your sector. This ability to trade tactics between industries gives your business an unfair advantage in your industry, allowing you to dominate your competitor’s PPC advertising campaigns.

You should have a proactive PPC Manager that delivers without you having to chase them

There is no such thing as overnight successes with PPC advertising. Success with PPC marketing takes time and continual effort. Being able to know what works and what doesn’t for your industry is one thing. Knowing what works and what doesn’t for your specific business and unique audience requires constant PPC testing based on data and metrics that are meaningful for your business. This includes gaining direct feedback from your customer service and sales team on the quality of leads and sales your PPC campaign is generating for your business. With that all said, you can see how the ‘set and forget’ automated approach to PPC advertising does not work if your primary goal is to grow your business.

That’s why our PPC Account Managers work tirelessly every day to ensure your PPC campaigns are contributing towards the growth of your business. We go far beyond just managing your account by offering you strategic insights and new ideas to implement with your PPC campaign so your campaign performance can be continually improved. Whether it is catching up for a strategic deep-dive in your PPC campaign or getting on the phone to your sales team to assess the quality of leads we are capturing, rest assured that your PPC campaign is in good hands with our on-the-ball and proactive PPC Account Managers.

You shouldn’t waste your money sending traffic to poorly set up websites

PPC advertising can quickly become too expensive if you are unable to convert the PPC traffic into a positive returns for your business. We’ve found that one of the biggest reasons why businesses fail with PPC is because they are sending traffic to websites that are not set up to convert the PPC traffic into results. Most companies have ‘brochure’ style websites that can do a fair job of informing your audience about what you do. However, these types of sites typically perform badly as they are designed to inform your audience, not convert them.

The way we fix this problem is by sending your PPC traffic to specific landing pages that have been designed and developed from the ground up to convert your PPC traffic into leads and sales. These landing pages sit in the background of your primary business website and are only accessible by those who have been sent there as part of a digital marketing campaign. We continuously A/B test, edit and optimise these landing pages so they can deliver you the best performance. Additionally, you’ll be able to know precisely how your PPC advertising campaign is influencing your overall sales in your business as you’ll be able to track sales and leads generated from these landing pages easily.

You should expect your PPC work in harmony with your greater digital marketing strategy

Businesses that lead their industries online typically achieve this by having an integrated and unified digital marketing strategy. That is: all aspects of their digital marketing tie in and integrate allowing the business to achieve results regardless of the marketing platform. To accomplish this requires all elements of your company’s digital marketing to be centralised under a broader digital strategy designed to achieve your goals and objectives.

Ultimately, PPC is just another digital marketing channel like SEO, social media and content marketing. However, PPC should work in harmony with your other digital marketing channels so you can achieve your business goals and objectives faster. For example, a social media marketing campaign can be amplified with PPC to reach more of your target audience. An SEO campaign can work in conjunction with your PPC campaign to increase your organic rankings for PPC keywords that are producing results for your business. The art of bringing your PPC efforts together with your overall digital marketing strategy requires an experienced multidisciplinary agency that understands the nuances of each digital marketing channel. That’s why we take the multichannel approach to PPC with our clients. By integrating your PPC campaign into a greater digital marketing strategy for your business means you can better achieve your business goals faster.

Joseph Chesterton - Founder and Director
Joseph Chesterton
- Founder of Web3
Accelerate your website

Claim Your Free Web3 Website Acceleration Plan

$397 Free limited time offer

In todays world, its important more than ever that your website is working for your business to the maximum level.

Let us analyse your website and create a free action plan to accelerate its growth. We will provide clarity on:

  • Current website issues and how to fix them.
  • SEO performance boosting tips to beat your competitors.
  • Actionable steps to accelerate your website in 2024 and beyond

We're only giving away 3 of these in October so claim it before its to late.


What’s in the proposal?

Market Research & Insights

Website auditing, keyword research
 & competitor analysis.

Timeframes & Rollout Plan

What is the most effective and efficient timeframe and pathway forward for us.

Investments Options

The choices of outcomes you can achieve.

Enquire Now
Get your free proposal. Tell us about your online goals.

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