Would you like to learn how to get started marketing your legal practice with Google Search Ads and the Google Display Network?
We’ll step you through understanding consumer intent of users searching for lawyers in the legal space and how you can capture that intent with Google Search Ads to drive more sales to your firm.
Google Ads & Google Display Remarketing
So, let’s get started! I’m hoping we all know what Google Ads is? Google Ads is a tool that enables you to be there when the audience needs your search, your ads show up and you are paying to get in front of your audience without taking them no more longer form of SEO.
One other tool I want to add is Google Display Remarketing, which I highly recommend, especially for any law firm that is considering to use Google Ads.
Usually, clicks in this space are expensive and paying $6 per click from a Google ad to your website is in comparison to other industries a relatively expensive exercise. That’s why we want to make sure every single click has got the highest potential chance of converting into that enquiry and becoming that potential client, and we can increase this possibility through Google display remarketing.
Especially because people typically don’t convert on the first touchpoint and this is why you need to be able to inform your customers throughout their decision-making cycle on which law firm they are going to work with. This is why we want to be using display ads as the cheapest and more effective way to drive conversions, in cases where your potential customer doesn’t take that conversion offer or they don’t book that call on your website.
Content Mix
“It’s not just about an ad but an entire mix of what you are doing! And the key to getting the content, content marketing, SEO and ads correct, is understanding your users’ intent!”

Words by James Banks from Web3.
We can look at potential prospective clients in a couple of different scenarios; for example, someone needs a divorce right now and is searching the internet intending to find the answers to, Who can help me right now? Which family law firm can help me right now walk through this with me?
On the other side, a different type of audience might be in a bit of a decision-making process, they are not sure if they can afford a lawyer, do they need a lawyer? Are they looking at options like self litigation versus going with a law firm? This could be something that potential customers would be considering.
Who do they also trust? Professional recommendations and referrals are massive in any form of business, particularly professional services, as well as being able to reinforce trust through search and discoverability.
We are not going to go too far into social media, but this is how you can leverage social media as another channel to create areas of social proof that can help encourage your potential new prospects and new leads.
Ad Campaign
Now that we’ve spoken about intent, this is where it starts flowing into the actual design of an ad campaign, for example, we want to be capturing people that know they want a lawyer and know they need a lawyer now. That’s the people we want to be targeting because if we put our firm in front of them, there is a high chance they are going to convert to a lead.
What does that mean? We want to be targeting commercially relevant keyword phrases that have that intent in them. Let’s look at Family Lawyers, family law it’s a great example and there’s a lot of search volume in Google for this area of law. Family lawyers, divorce lawyers, binding financial agreement cost, family lawyers free consultation or free console lawyers for a family trust. These are all search phrases that are achieving hundreds if not thousands of searches every single month in Australia and these allow us to predict the intent of someone searching for a divorce lawyer in Brisbane. So, you got a divorce law firm in Brisbane or a landing page that talks specifically about how you help people overcome divorce or how you work with people to see through a divorce in Brisbane, then this clear message gives you a high chance they are going to convert as leads.
If people are in the discovery process and if it’s more of a longer-form style of law like for example, commercial law where it might not mean they need to get a lawyer immediately, then you could look at potentially creating ads and content around keywords that people are using when they’re in the discoverability process. For example, law firm reviews, best family lawyers, top family lawyers, recommended family lawyers, these are all search phrases that are achieving hundreds and if not thousands of searches per month in Australia. In this scenario, we wouldn’t be wanting to send these people to a book a call landing page, but maybe, we would want to be sending them to a piece of content that does a comparison or shows through client testimonials and case studies why you are the best law firm in your particular needs in that particular location.
Intent Point
“Keywords have different intent and your customer will search using specific phrases that have a different intent. This is why is so important to make sure that the intent point is covered with the quality of the value you give with your content”

Words from Mike Bromley
from Beyond Billables.
If you’re not making great content or you are on a website that is up the scratch, if you’re not writing blogs or if you’re not sending out traffic to something of value and following that up, then your conversion rate is going to struggle and you are going to fight to get to the endpoint.
More people can convert into calls, more people can convert into a prospective meeting, understanding that intent point goes to making sure that you know you don’t have a hole because the second step is crucial, which might be that landing page or that piece of value.
That was an introduction to Google Search Ads, Display Network Advertising and understanding of search intent and how you can capture that search intent to drive more demanding interest to your law firm online.
If you’re interested to learn more about how to grow your law firm or your professional service business using Google search and using online marketing, feel free to like, comment, subscribe.